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8 Travel Shows To Binge Watch On

I have spent a majority of my adulthood traveling throughout the United States. However,  for the next 2 years I am focusing a majority of my financial resources on paying off my student loans.

Good thing there are plenty of travel shows on

Below is a list of the shows that I discovered browsing
 These 8 travel shows are no means the only great ones on The list is so exhaustive that it will take me another few blogposts to name them all.

In addition, several of these shows are from the mid- 2000's and some are no longer airing new episodes.

1. Rick Steves
2. Kimchi Chronicles
3. Cruises To A World Of Discovery
4. Anthony Bourdain
A Cook's Tour
No Reservations
The Layover
5. Avec Eric
6. City By City
7. Word Travels
8. Travel With Kids

Listen to this episode of the Divatosity podcast.


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