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Lifestyle: October!

October is more than halfway over.

  • Have you had a chance to visit your local pumpkin patch? 
  • Are you liberally snapping photos of the leaves on the trees?
  • This evening, did you sip warm apple cider whilst out on a leisurely stroll?  
  • Are you alternating between watching Major League Baseball, the NFL, and college football?
  • Has weekend tailgating become a way of life for you?
  • Are you looking forward to dressing up for Halloween? 
Don't fret, if you answered "No" to a majority of the above-mentioned questions. You still have a couple of weeks to enjoy these activities. So, pour yourself a mug of warm apple cider, throw some meat on the grill on game day, and take a quick trip to your local pumpkin patch. A month from now, we could be dealing with more wintry conditions and the somewhat balmy breezes of October will be a distant memory.

Pumpkin patches, apple cider, country drives


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